Two minutes of your time

When was the last time you spent a minute talking to your loved ones, your family, your friends, your colleagues at work, your neighbours, and yourself?
I know it is ironic that our generation started to shut off all the relations, appreciating solitude and living by themselves as the new cool. Not everyone, but some of us lost those connections with our childhood friends, our aunts and uncles, cousins, nephews and nieces. We started to distance ourselves from the relationships which mattered once, even before we all got socially distanced. We live a fast-paced life, we don’t even find time to unwind ourselves.
I couldn’t realize any of this till I lost my aunt to covid, who cared for me just like my mom did. I was living in my own cocoon, I was a grown-up who didn’t care enough to respond to her texts that she sent to check on me from time to time. She passed away with no family around, and I couldn’t help but go listen to her voice notes she kept sending me, just expecting a hello back. I could only feel myself drowning in guilt, wondering why couldn’t I take a minute of my time to respond to her texts, to just ask how she was doing, to just make her feel I still cared for her.
I see my social media feed filled up every day with people helping out each other, who are absolute strangers before. If we could spare a minute to see what we can do for others, to assure to be there, to promise our presence even if we can do absolutely nothing for them, I believe it goes a long way.
I want to appreciate all my friends and loved ones who take a minute to check on me, it means more than I could ever explain. If you are reading this, I want you to try your best to keep a tab on your loved ones, whenever you get time. Because you can only care for them when they are still alive, no amount of grief and guilt would help their pain after they are gone. Let them know you have always loved them and that you will continue to do so, because who knows when will be the last goodbye. All it takes is two minutes to do it and two minutes isn’t a lot of time is it?