The adult life
Life is brutal. Sick. Chaotic.
It throws you off the track just when you are thinking you are on cloud nine.
It will break your heart, punch a hole in your soul, push you down a black hole (okay black holes suck you up)
It will take away the people you love, makes you trek unachievable paths where you often get lost.
It is ship-wreckingly insane. (My kinda metaphors)
So now, this is why you need to be extra kind to others.
Extra extra kind to yourself.
For all the battles you are fighting in and out.
For the efforts you put in day and night.
And even on the days you don’t want to take off the duvet and see the sunshine
You hold on to that hope for the next 24 hours to come
If not all the 86,400 seconds
Maybe some might cheer you up
Some might elevate your spirits
Some for-soul filling food
Some for food for thought
Some to hug that one person for some extra warmth
Some to cuddle your dog and squish him in kisses
And some, to write your heart out when you are just by yourself :)